Monday, March 10, 2008

{remember the brat pack}

I got to thinking about my "what about prom Blaine" post and I thought to myself those were some great movies... so in honor of the brat pack I have included a music selection that everyone should love.
As for me... I got some much needed rest today and I am feeling pretty good. I wanted to try and get at least one page done tonight, but that didn't happen. I think because I spent way too much time looking for a video for my blog. Oh well there is always tomorrow.
I do want to share that I happened to go back to the Keep in Touch blog to check out the latest contest when I came across my card... wow!! I was/am very shocked. They also have one of my pages featured on the site for a page idea for one of their kits. I was going to post them, but it's better for me to send you here and here (under I'm too busy already kit). Make sure you check out the site while you are there, Kelly has some awesome kits in three different sizes so you can order which ever suits your needs. I had fun with the kit even though I didn't win the contest that I purchased it for.
I had a happy mail day today; I got my March Mosh-Posh kit today and it is Yummy and some Grungeboard I received as a RAK from the wonderful
Carrie over at SGD. I have no idea what I'm going to do with it yet, but I will post a picture once I use it.
Okay so enjoy the music and have a great week!!!


Amy said...

I was and still am a pretty big fan of the Molly Ringwald/brat pack days...I'm off to see if I can actually get my tag (from ages ago when you tagged me) done...

Jemma said...

congrats on the cards!! Cant wait to see what you do with the Grunge board!! x