Monday, August 25, 2008

{where does the day go?}

It seems like I blink and it's gone. I wake up, go to work, run errands at lunch, get off and spend some time playing with Caitlyn and before you know it, it's 8pm. Time for dinner, bath, bed.
I really need to manage my time better, if that's possible.
I wish I had time to sit down and scrap... I have tons of new stuff that I haven't even touched yet. I have tons of old stuff that I need to get to and there is stuff that's getting ready to come out that I'm going to want. What to do? Okay that was me just venting! LOL!
I wanted to do a quick update while I was sitting in my scraproom looking for a couple of photos to scrap. I really want to do Sketch #2 over at Pink Sketches. At least if I commit to that I know I'll get at least one layout a week done. LOL!
I also need to finish organizing my scraproom. It's been almost 3 months and it's still not finished I still have stuff to unpack and throw away. Although I have found a new home for alot of my unwanted items (one of my co-workers is a scrapper).
Okay so now that I haven't found my pictures and have watched 20 minutes of Amityville 2 (because there is NOTHING else on)... I'm going to bed. Not because I'm tired, but because I'm about 95% sure that Miss Caitlyn will wake up at about 1:00am (for no reason) and I want to at least have a couple of hours of sleep in my sleep bank when that happens.
It's amazing that someone that's only been here for 9 months runs my life, I hope she doesn't think this is permanent!


Anonymous said...

Girl you got a alot going on over here .. and we so need to do a road trip LOL .. girl I could kick it with you all day be having me crackin up ..

Jemma said...

Bless of course she is going to run your life for the next ... say 20 years??? hahaha (im in a MEAN mood today!)

I think your doing whats important time with that wonderful little girl!! Work and errands and just evil requirements.

i have no advise or help on time management and thats why most of my scrapping happens 10pm - 2pm and why i look like poo most of the time from lack of sleep!!

although i can say i cant WAIT to see what you come up with and that i wish you could get some time off to chill and enjoy yourself!

sending (((HUGS))) and scrappy time wishes!
