Sunday, September 14, 2008

{why in the...}

heck is it so hard for me to remember to do my 12 of 12 every month? I always seem to remember the day after and we all know it's not called 13 of 13 so that doesn't help.

Quick update....

-had league on Friday - actually bowled okay.

- super sad about
this, have been upset all weekend, my prayers go out to her family and friends. (check out her awesome work here)

-went to the crop, got 1 layout and 3 cards done (had the most delicious pork tenderloin EVER)

-watched Redition (love me some Reease Witherspoon) - pretty good movie

-spent today napping and playing with Caitlyn.

-washing clothes before I go to bed.

Maybe I'll do a 15 of 15 tomorrow. :o)
Hope eveyone had a great weekend and has a wonderful week!!

Don't forget to enjoy every moment - time is life. It's the only thing that you can never get back - when it goes, it's irrevocably gone. (Valley of the Dolls)


Jemma said...

Hey hope you are OK!!!

glad you enjoyed your crop and got your scrap on though xx

Jemma said...

Oh and i forgot 12 of 12 as well!! why is it so difficult?