Monday, September 8, 2008

{100th post}

Okay i have been putting this post off for some time becuase I wanted it to be interesting since it is my 100th post... well I realized that if I was waiting on something interesting to happen in my life I would be waiting for awhile.
So here it is post 100. I do have a couple of interesting scrap things to share. First I have been hopping around the internet and found some really fun challenge blogs, I put them over there on the right side ----> There is a new mini book challenge blog (because we all have un-started mini albums) and there is a new card challenge blog coming. The one I found most interesting though is the word.picture blog. Every month they basically given you written directions (guidelines) on how to create a layout. The catch is you use the instructions however you interpret them. This way almost every layout will turn out different. I'm sure I don't do it justice, so go check it out yourself.
Alright my last bit of news.......wait for it.......
Yes, you guessed it, I'm going to the Gulf Harbour crop this Saturday (but only for a few hours) this will be my first time leaving Caitlyn alone with her daddy, but I really needed some "me" time, plus this will give me a chance to make some scrappy friends. There is a delicious brunch planned and some really neat make and takes so I'm pretty excited. I have a list of things I want to work one, but we will see what I actually get done.
Alright, I'm off to do some reading... my book is still in it's slow stage but I'm hoping things will pick up soon. Have a fabulous Tuesday all!!!


Anonymous said...

Just thought I'd stop by, have been missing you at Memorable Seasons and hoping that nothing happened? Anyway, congrats on your 100th post :)

Jemma said...

Hey Lady, hope you enjoyed your book and your crop im sure it will be great fun!!!

I hope all is ok down in "Sunny" Florida??