Wednesday, October 1, 2008

{okay, okay}

I hate to put this out there and then turn around and go AWOL again, but I think I might be back. I have been spending all my free time browsing the net looking for some inspiration something to get me going. I finally decided to try the September challenge over at word.picture
and it was just what I needed. (I will get a picture as soon as I can).
Let's see it's October 1st and I can't believe how fast the year has gone by. I feel like every time I turn around another week has passed by. WOW!
There are some really interesting things going on this month. There is a new kit club that started today called Kraft Girls kits. The October kit has the new Pink Paislee and looks pretty yummy. Also my dear friend Jemma has started a sketch site (where I will totally be hanging out) called Rough Draft. She and Zoe will be posting sketches for you to work on so stop by and check it out.
Lastly, I skipped on my October kit from Mosh Posh. Although it is an awesome kit, I just don't think I will use it. This means that I have a "little" extra money ( I do mean little because Kristen's kit are so well priced) to use on another kit. Anyone have any suggestions? And before you ask - yes, I would get the Kraft Girl kit, but I just got Pink Paislee paper in my Mosh Posh kit last month so I am looking for something different.
On a non-scrapping note. My mom is coming to Florida in a couple of weeks so I'm going to pack Caitlyn up and make the 2 hour trip to go see her, or rather to let her see Caitlyn (no one wants to see me anymore).
Oh and back to scrapping... has anyone seen the new sheer paper from KI Memories? I got some at my LSS and Yum-O. Also the new "Daily Grind" line from Fancy Pants!!! WOW. I am working on a total scraplift with it right now that I should be able to show this weekend.
Okay have a fabulous Thursday.
*A little secret: I like to call it Surprise Thursday because something unexpected always seems to happen (sometimes good, sometimes bad) but there always seems to be a surprise. Can't wait to see what it will be tomorrow.


Jemma said...

I hope today is full of EXCELLENT suprises for you. its great to have you back, i hope you are back for good!!! Love the kits, im in such a disorganised funk at the moment (well since March approx) will it ever go back to normal???

hope you have a great trip with Miss C to see your Mam!! xx

Anonymous said...

What up girl .. Ima have to try that kit you suggested and that site . .. so what you got planned for the weekend. You was on the brain so hollering at cha .. be safe out there and get ya scrap on boo boo

Brook said...

Hey Nicole! We miss you on the MB at Mosh Posh!!! Come back!!! :)