Monday, January 12, 2009

{sugar free jello}

Okay where have I been?
Am I the only person out there that didn't know how delicious sugar free jello was?
I think it might have to do with getting older because I'm pretty sure that the last time I tried it; it wasn't this good. Anyway, I have to keep it in the house now. It's great when you get a craving for something sweet.
Okay enough about that....
I completed the challenge over at The Design Experiment (no I don't have the picture yet). The topic was "having one more hour in the day". I decided that I would try to find a "scrap home" this year. I don't really belong to any message boards right now and although I love looking at all the challenge/sketch sites I never actually sit down to complete them; so it's one of the scrapping goals that I'm adding to my list.
Anyway I hope everyone is having a great week and is getting a good start on the year.

*Making 2009 My Year*

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