So after two days of house hunting here in sunny Florida I have time to complete this super long tag and also post a couple of pictures from the trip so far. And in case you are wondering... we haven't found a house yet, but we still have 4 more days here.
The first picture is of me and Caitlyn and the second is the two of us by this freakiously large pelican... can you tell I am totally scared?
Now for Jemma's tag... here goes.
Where were you born? Germany
Middle name: Marie
How old will you be this year? 32 (where in the heck did the time go?)
Nicknames: nikki /Coach/Nicoli Volkauf ( don't ask)
Are you taller than your mother or father? Not taller than either one
Do you cry often during movies? Yes, all the time!
What is your biggest pet peeve? People who chew with their mouth open!!!
Favorite colour: Right now Purple/Lilac
Favorite foods: Pizza, Pasta Salad
Favorite restaurants: Olive Garden, Red Brick Pizza
Favorite beverage: Vanilla coke from Sonic
Favorite cold cereal: Reese's Puffs
Favorite smells: Hubby - Burberry Touch for men, Lavender/Vanilla
Favorite time of day: late at night when it's quiet
What brand of shampoo/conditioner do you use? Pantene
Favorite make-up products? Don't wear makeup
How many pillows do you sleep with? 1 standard size pillow
Do you play an instrument? nope
Have you ever been skinny dipping? Of course not!
Did you do any sports in High School? I ran track
What was the last movie you saw in the theater? I am Legend.
What is your favorite article of clothing? my pajamas
What is your dream vacation? Trip to Venice
What was your first impression of your spouse? Couldn't stand him...
If you were an animal what would you be? A Yorkie - they are so cute
What is your favorite "me- time" activity? Scrapping, but sleeping takes a close 2nd.
Favorite TV shows: Notes from the Underbelly, Law & Order (CI & SVU) and The Office
What is your dream car? a silver Range Rover
What is one of your weaknesses? I have trouble telling people no.
What do you fix for dinner when there's nothing to fix? Trick question... nothing, I go out!!!
If you could live in a different decade/era which one would it be? 80's - best music
What is the emotion you feel the most? Is sleepy an emotion? Happy I guess.
Do you consider yourself outgoing? Yes … and no!
What is something you are constantly working on? Organizing/decorating
Any hidden talents? If I do I haven't found it yet!
What is a word or phrase you overuse? Stop playing/awesome/Gangsta
What was the hardest thing that happened to you this past year? Lost a baby girl.
What is the best thing that happened to you this past year? Had a baby girl!!!
What is one thing you hope to accomplish this year? Find an "awesome" new job
The best piece of advice you learned this past year? God will never give you more than you can handle....
Wow that took a long time... sorry for just now getting it done Jemma girl!!!
Wow that tag must have taken ages. Thanks for stopping by my blog and can I just say that your baby is beautiful.
Loved the pictures and getting to know you a little better...where in fl are you moving to?
Your wee Lady is amazing and great to see some photos of you!! Wow - Florida - i loved it there - and you might get to go skinny dipping =)!!
Loved learning these things, i cant imagine what you went through last year. Barry and I have been trying for 5 years and my heart breaks thinking about what you went through.(((hugs)))
But you have the cutest wee lady when i see her pictures i just want to give her a squeeze!
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