Friday, February 29, 2008

{happy leap day}

Okay so first thing, I got tagged by my friend Sarah a couple of days ago and I am just now getting to it. Busy, Busy, Busy.
Second this won't be long because I am starving!!! Plus, I won't have anything interesting to talk about until tomorrow (hopefully). Oh and I'll have another candy review for you...and before you ask, NO I do not just sit around and eat candy all day.

Now for the tag..
The Rules:You must list one fact about yourself for each letter of your middle name. Each fact must begin with that letter. If you don't have a middle name, just use your maiden name. After you've been tagged, you need to up-date your blog with your middle name and answers. At the end of your post, you need to tag one person for each letter of your middle name.
Here's my middle name:Marie
M- mom. This is one of the greatest things about me. I was once known for saying I didn't want children. Then we were blessed with a child (which we lost) and it opened my eyes to see that I indeed wanted to be a mom more than anything else. So I am very happy to be a mom and hopefully I will be the best mom ever!
A - artist. I'm not sure I should call myself an artist but it's the only way I can get scrapbooking as one of my facts. I am an artist because I scrapbook it's my way of creating...
R - retired runner. I used to run track (it's how I met my husband) but I don't want anyone to think I still run... cuz I don't. That's why I said retired!
I - individual. I've never been one to follow. I like to go against the norm/grain. Sometimes it upsets people, but I have to be me.
E - emotional. I am an emotional person. I cry at everything, but I think it's just one of those great traits that continues to make me an individual.

So that took me like an hour to finish.... and I can't even tag 5 people, but I will find some people to tag. You know who you are: Jemma and Amy.
Until tomorrow...


Jemma said...

Great facts, i love things like this i think its so interesting. Cant wait for your next candy update! :)

Amy said...

I didn't see this until now..thanks for the tag, hope to get to it in a couple days!

Stacey S-O said...

You did better than I did, I think the most words I used was five.