Saturday, June 21, 2008

{really quick}

I have been doing so bad with my blogging. I need to do better I know. Anyway, I just wanted to check in for today and I promise I will have some stuff to post tomorrow. I spent the last 30 minutes or so blog hopping and learned that my friend Jemma got a fabulous new haircut and that she is the featured scrapper HERE. I'm so happy for her, and her work really is amazing.
Today was super quiet.. I went to the scrapbook store and purchased more than I should. I went in for glue dots and came out with a bag full of stuff, don't worry I'm not even going to try to justify it.
I wanted to take a trip to IKEA but it's an hour away and I just don't feel like driving that far. Oh well, maybe I can talk Cornelius into going next weekend. Alright I'm going to spend the next 30 minutes or so working on getting this room a little more organized. I hope to have it all complete before July 1st.


Jemma said...

thanks! Hope you get to Ikea - LOVE THAT PLACE ;)

Bar likes the hair and lets just say he seemed very happy to see me!! lol

Jemma said...

not so patiently waiting for the stuff you said you would share ...

... oh yes im blog stalking today!!!!

stephanie aka scrapandthecity said...

bad blogger here too!