Friday, March 20, 2009

{spring has arrived}

I must admit that I spent most of my day indoors. We did go do some bowling, which I am sure will me so much more fun once Lil C can bowl. Right now we divide our time between bowling and running after/entertaining the little one. Maybe we can find one of those fake bowling alleys that have the little balls so that she can participate.
Dad did take the princess to the playground to run around and play and slide so at least there was some outdoor fun for the day. I haven't had a chance to check and see if he took pictures yet. Of course dad isn't as anal about the camera and capturing everything on film. Although when he does grab it and take pictures he always gets great shots.
Okay well I don't feel like scrapping and believe it or not I am 85% organized at this point and my desk is 98% clean so I might just head to bed. I came to realize yesterday that I will be turning another year older in about 11 days... wow time is flying by.

Hope everyone had a great first day of Spring!!!

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